A solution to the problem of producing long-range forecasts on a short samp
ling interval is proposed. It involves the incorporation of information fro
m a long sampling interval series, which could come from an independent sou
rce, into forecasts produced by a state-space model based on a short sampli
ng interval. The solution is motivated by the desire to incorporate yearly
electricity consumption information into weekly electricity consumption for
ecasts. The weekly electricity consumption forecasts are produced by a stat
e-space structural time series model. It is shown that the forecasts produc
ed by the forecasting model based on weekly data can be improved by the inc
orporation of longer-time-scale information, particularly when the forecast
horizon is increased from 1 year to 3 years. A further example is used to
demonstrate the approach, where yearly UK primary fuel consumption informat
ion is incorporated into quarterly fuel consumption forecasts.