It is shown on the basis of numerical simulation and an experimental invest
igation that a streamer can propagate in a step manner in an electronegativ
e gas. The experiments and most calculations were performed for air under c
lose to normal conditions. The step motion is associated with the appearanc
e of a secondary ionization wave near the electrode and propagation of this
wave along the channel of the streamer; this wave maintains the channel in
a conducting state and allows for the propagation of the streamer in a non
uniform external field over distances which are inaccessible under ordinary
conditions of a streamer discharge. Simulation in heated air, oxygen, and
SF6 demonstrated that the phenomenon studied is common for various gases an
d that the special features of its manifestation remain in a wide range of
decay rates of the streamer channel. (C) 2000 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica".