Recent measurements have demonstrated that sunlight irradiation of snow res
ults in the release of significant amounts of gas phase NOx (NO + NO2). We
report here the results of a series of experiments designed to test the hyp
othesis that the observed NOx production is the result of nitrate photolysi
s. Snow produced from deionized water with and without the addition of nitr
ate was exposed to natural sunlight in an outdoor flow chamber. While NOx r
elease from snow produced without added NO3- was minimal, the addition of 1
00 muM NO3- resulted in the release of >500 pptv NOx in a 9 standard liter
per minute (sLpm) flow of synthetic air exposed to the snow for 10-20 s; th
e rate of release was highly correlated with solar radiation. Further addit
ion of radical trap reagents resulted in greatly increased NOx production (
to >8 ppbv in a flow of 20 sLpm). In snow produced from deionized water plu
s sodium nitrate, production of NO2 dominated that of NO. The reverse was t
rue in the presence of radical trap reagents; this suggests sensitivity of
the NOx release mechanism to pH, as a basic compound was added, or to the p
resence of free radical scavengers. A mechanism far NOx release from NO3- p
hotolysis consistent with these observations is presented. These results su
pport previous suggestions that surface NOx release may have a significant
impact on boundary layer photochemistry in snow-covered regions and that ni
trate photolysis on cirrus cloud particles may result in the release of gas
phase NOx. A potential for pH-dependent impacts on ice core records of oxi
dants and oxidized compounds is also suggested.