Migration of nitrate to groundwater has become a serious threat in many agr
icultural areas. This paper presents the results of experimental laboratory
tests studying the nitrate gradient developed in response to an electrical
potential. Two systems were tested; the first had no flow (closed system)
and the second had flow opposite to the direction of the electrical current
, A solution of sodium nitrate in sandy soil was used in both systems. The
tests showed that the electro-kinetic process effectively concentrated and
retained nitrate close to the anode, The movement of NO; through the soil c
olumn was significantly influenced by the development of a pH gradient. Sta
tistical analysis was performed to determine best-fit equations relating th
e nitrate gradient to the electrical input and pH gradient, A simple one-di
mensional finite difference model was used to predict the pH gradient devel
oped during the electro-kinetic process. The experimental measurements clos
ely agreed with the predicted spatial and temporal distribution of the nitr
ate gradient for both closed and open system configurations. (C) 2000 Elsev
ier Science B.V. All rights reserved.