Background/Aims: The differential oxygenation of periportal and perivenous
hepatocytes has been demonstrated as a major determinant in the zonated exp
ression of certain metabolic pathways in the liver. We have searched for no
vel genes whose expression could be modulated by hypoxia in cultured rat he
Methods: Primary cultures of rat hepatocytes were incubated under normoxic
(21% oxygen) or hypoxic (3% oxygen) conditions for 6 h, Differences in gene
expression under both conditions were analyzed using the technique of diff
erential display by means of PCR.
Results: We have identified the enzyme argininosuccinate lyase (ASL) as bei
ng downregulated by hypoxia. ASL is a cytosolic protein which participates
in urea metabolism. ASL expression was time-dependently reduced in hypoxia.
Hypoxia modulated the responses of this gene to the two main hormonal sign
als which induce ASL mRNA: glucocorticoids and cAMP. ASL mRNA levels decrea
sed in response to ATP-reducing agents. CoCl2 mimicked the effect of hypoxi
a, suggesting the implication of a hemoprotein in this response. Hypoxia di
d not affect ASL mRNA stability, indicating that this effect occurs at the
transcriptional level.
Conclusions: Our observations suggest that differences in oxygen levels acr
oss the hepatic parenchyma could participate in the zonated expression of A