Nosocomial infective endocarditis (NIE) is a rare complication of nosocomia
l bacteraemia; however, it is an infection of great importance because of i
ts high mortality and because in many cases it is potentially preventable.
Whilst many aspects of NIE are similar to community-acquired infective endo
carditis (CIE), there are important differences between the two, most notab
ly the predisposing factors, microbial aetiology and prognosis. The diagnos
is of NIE is often difficult as many patients have severe underlying diseas
e and coexistent infection elsewhere. Many of these infections could potent
ially be prevented by the identification of high risk patients, careful ass
essment of positive blood cultures and effective treatment of bacteraemia i
n high risk patients. The use of prophylactic antimicrobials in the prevent
ion of infective endocarditis is unproven, however, it is recommended that
prophylaxis be considered for certain invasive hospital-based procedures.