Thermal imaging from satellites is one methodology used for the monitoring
and scientific investigation of volcanoes, including those characterised by
active lava domes. To be most effective, the remote sensing techniques emp
loyed must allow the cause of any observed thermal anomaly to be identified
, ideally using information contained within the remote sensing data itself
, whilst using any ancillary field data to guide analysis and the necessary
assumptions. This study investigates a method by which such discrimination
maybe accomplished for activity at lava domes. For this purpose we use thr
ee Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes of Unzen Volcano (Japan) to determin
e the temperature structure of the active lava dome existing during 1991-19
93. These data are of particularly high quality since the TM scenes were ob
tained during night-time overpasses and a large amount of supplementary dat
a are available to parameterise the model used to retrieve the subpixel tem
perature structure of the dome surface. The results are matched to near-con
temporaneous geological sketch maps of the then current situation in order
to identify the TM pixel groupings corresponding to the different styles of
dome activity, namely fumarolic degassing, exogenous and endogenous dome g
rowth, and collapse deposits resulting from block and ash hows, small scale
pyroclastic flows and rockfalls. The spatial and statistical characteristi
cs of the resultant TM-derived temperature distributions are then investiga
ted to determine rule-based criteria that may be used to differentiate the
activity styles of lava domes based on their thermal structure within the r
emote sensing data. Results indicate that fumarolically active locations, r
egions of active dome growth, and areas of collapse deposition on the Unzen
dome can be differentiated using only the statistical distribution of the
hotspot temperatures and fractional areas identified via analysis of TM ima
gery. The statistics derived for hotspots at the fumarolically active areas
show them to be, in general, significantly hotter (and smaller) than those
found at the areas of active dome growth, whereas hotspots retrieved on th
e areas of collapse deposition are cooler (and larger). We find that the fr
equency distributions of hotspot temperatures extracted for the areas of en
dogenous and exogenous dome growth exhibit statistically inseparable means,
but that discrimination between these two dome growth styles is possible u
sing analysis of the spatial arrangement of the retrieved hotspots. Specifi
cally the exogenous lobes are characterised by structures interpreted to be
the effusing vent of new magma and the collapsing lobe front. These featur
es are absent at locations showing only endogenous growth. It is hoped that
the criteria developed here will prove useful during future quantitative a
nalysis of the extended TM time-series available for Unzen. and for identif
ication of thermal anomalies of uncertain origin at other active domes obse
rved via satellite remote sensing. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All right
s reserved.