The influence of fat, moisture and ripening on cheese meltability was exami
ned. Arnott meltability correlated well with fat and moisture indicating th
at both factors influenced cheese flow. Texture analysis at temperatures ra
nging from 5 to 45 degreesC and SEM clearly demonstrated that solid fat sup
ports the protein matrix against collapsing due to gravity. Therefore chees
e meltability can be considered as melting of cheese fat, followed by colla
psing of the cheese matrix due to reduced support by the fat. Arnott meltab
ility increased dramatically during the first 2 weeks of ripening and remai
ned nearly constant afterwards. This could be explained by protein breakdow
n during ripening or repartitioning of cheese moisture during the first wee
ks of ripening. The extent of cheese flow will thus be determined by the fa
t content and its distribution in the cheese on one hand and on the integri
ty of the protein matrix and its interaction with cheese moisture on the ot
her hand.