This article explores target marketing as a means to identify which mi
ddle-income suburbanites may relocate to central cities. The most targ
etable populations reside near central cities and lead urban lifestyle
s. We term such people ''suburban urbanites.'' Geodemography, a method
combining population and location, is used to classify suburban urban
ites using data from Claritas Inc., a target marketer. Claritas divide
s the nation's neighborhoods into lifestyle clusters by linking popula
tion density to demographic and consumptive patterns. A case study of
metropolitan Washington, DC, illustrates how target marketing works. W
e find that more than half the region's middle-class, Claritas-defined
urbanites live outside the District of Columbia. Thus, a large market
of potential city dwellers lives in Washington's suburbs. Target mark
eting enhances the statistical approaches traditionally used in policy
making and may help cities understand and develop their comparative a