Objective: To compare amniotic fluid index (AFI) with the single deepest po
cket in the identification of actual abnormal amniotic fluid (AF) volumes.
Methods: One hundred seventy-nine women with singleton pregnancies at the U
niversity of Mississippi between March 1994 and June 1999 had ultrasound es
timations of AF volume sequentially using the AFI and single deepest pocket
techniques. Each woman subsequently had ultrasound-directed amniocentesis
with dye-dilution and spectrophotomeiric calculation of actual AF volume.
Results: Actual AF volumes were low (under 5% by volume for gestational age
) in 62 women, normal (5-95%) in 100 women, and high (more than 95%) in 17
women. An AFI up to 5 cm (sensitivity 10%, specificity 96%) and a single de
epest pocket up to 2 cm (sensitivity 5%, specificity 98%) were similarly in
adequate in identifying dye-determined low AF volumes. Likewise, AFI above
20 (sensitivity 29%, specificity 97%) and a single-deepest pocket above 8 c
m (sensitivity 29%, specificity 94%) were poor in identifying dye-determine
d abnormally high volumes.
Conclusion: There was no difference between AFI and single deepest pocket t
echniques for identifying truly abnormal AF volumes. Both techniques were u
nreliable for identifying true AF volumes. (Obstet Gynecol 2000;96:737-40.
(C) 2000 by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.).