Because plasma levels of protein C (PC) or activated protein C (APC) are al
tered in certain diseases associated with vascular dysfunction, and APC has
therapeutic potential in preventing microvascular coagulation in severe se
psis, potential vascular effects of PC and APC were compared to those of th
e vasoactive peptide, thrombin. Thrombin was a more potent relaxant agonist
than contractile agonist in aorta. Unlike thrombin, cumulatively administe
red APC (10(-9)-10(-7) M) did not exert vascular effects in rat or rabbit a
orta. Noncumulative challenge of PC (10(-7) M) and APC (8 X 10(-8) M) also
did not contract rat or rabbit aortae, either with or without endothelium.
Likewise, the same concentrations of PC and APC also did not relax norepine
phrine-induced (10(-7) M) vascular tone in either rat or rabbit aortae. Thu
s, in contrast to thrombin, PC and APC failed to modulate vascular tone, su
ggesting that the therapeutic use of APC is unlikely to be accompanied by a
lly direct effects on vascular motility. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Sci
ence Inc.