We report the complete sequence of an extreme halophile, Halobacterium sp.
NRC-1, harboring a dynamic 2,571,010-bp genome containing 91 insertion sequ
ences representing 12 families and organized into a large chromosome and 2
related minichromosomes.:The Halobacterium NRC-1 genome codes for 2,630 pre
dicted proteins, 36% of which are unrelated to any previously reported. Ana
lysis of the genome sequence shows the presence of pathways for uptake and
utilization of amino acids, active sodium proton antiporter and potassium u
ptake systems, sophisticated photosensory and signal transduction pathways,
and DNA replication.: transcription, and translation systems resembling mo
re complex eukaryotic organisms. Whole proteome comparisons show the defini
te archaeal nature of this halophile with additional similarities to the Gr
am-positive Bacillus subtilis and other bacteria. The ease of culturing Hal
obacterium and the availability of methods for its genetic manipulation in
the laboratory, including construction of gene knockouts and replacements,
indicate this halophile can-serve as an excellent model system among the ar