The static molecular parameters including O-H bond length, O-H Mulliken pop
ulation, O-H charge difference, O-H bond stretching force constant (k) and
highest occupied molecular orbital energy level (E-HOMO) for 11 para substi
tuted phenols were calculated by density functional theory B3LYP on the bas
is set of 6-31G**. In combination with the O-H bond dissociation enthalpies
(BDE) for the phenols, it was found that there were poor correlationships
between O-H BDE and static O-H bond parameters, i.e., bond length, Mulliken
population and k. Taking into consideration that O-H BDE correlates well w
ith the logarithm of free radical scavenging rate constant for phenolic ant
ioxidant, the ineffectiveness of these static O-H bond parameters in charac
terizing antioxidant activity can be understood. Although O-H charge differ
ence and EHOMO can measure the O-H BDE for simple phenols, they are invalid
when the phenols possess intramolecular hydrogen bond. Hence, to predict n
atural phenolic antioxidant activity, we will have to calculate the O-H BDE
, despite it is a time-consuming process.