We have implemented the method proposed by Aldrich and Pass (Aldrich, J.E.,
Pass, B., 1988. Determining radiation exposure from nuclear accidents and
atomic tests using dental enamel. Health Phys. 54, 469-471.) to measure bot
h the interior and exterior portions of a tooth in order to determine the d
iagnostic X-ray component of the total dose in the teeth. This was done usi
ng a modified nondestructive approach of Haskell et al. (Haskell, E.H., Hay
es, R.B., Romanyukha, A.A., Kenner, G.H., 2000. Preliminary report on the d
evelopment of a virtually nondestructive additive dose technique for EPR do
simetry Appl. Radiat Isot. 52, 1055-1070.) given in Hayes et al. (Hayes, R.
B., Haskell, E.H., Barrus, J.K., Kenner, G.H., Romanyukha, A.A., 2000. Accu
rate EPR radiosensitivity calibration using small sample masses. Nucl. Inst
r. Meth. A. 441, 535-550). Here only 5% of the total tooth enamel sample fr
om an enamel crown was used for individual sample sensitivity calibration.
A cavity response correction for the low mass samples was also used (Hayes
et al., 2000). The teeth were American wisdom teeth having unknown doses ap
plied by the IAEA in the range of 0 to 1 Gy as part of the second internati
onal intercomparison (Wieser, A., Mehta, K., Amira, S., Aragno, S., Bercea,
S., Brik, A., Bugai, A., Callens, F., Chumak, V., Ciesielski, B., Debuyst,
R., Dubovsky, S., Duliu, O., Fattibene, P., Haskell, E., Hayes, R., Ignati
ev, E., Ivannikov, A., Kirillov, V., Kleschenko, E., Nakamura, N., Nathe, M
., Nowak, J., Onori, S., Pass, B., Pivovarov, S., Romanyukha, A., Scherbina
, O., Shames, A., Sholom, S., Skvortsov, V., Stepanenko, V., Tikounov, D.,
Toyoda, S., 2000. The 2nd international intercomparison on EPR tooth dosime
try. Radiat. Meas. in press). Final dose reconstruction estimates of the IA
EA applied values showed a very high correlation (R = 0.996). The approxima
te excess dose measured on the outside of the teeth relative to the inside
was 49+/-35 mGy which is attributed to the diagnostic X-ray exposure given
to the America wisdom teeth prior to extraction. The method used showed onl
y a small dependence on the accelerating voltage of the X-ray source. (C) 2
000 Elsevier Science Ltd. ALL rights reserved.