The author discusses the relation between Hildegard's musical play Ordo Vir
tutum and her vision on the virtues in Scivias, reading the texts of the vi
sion and the play in the light of the dramatic events reflected in her lett
ers during the years 1148-1152, years full of great achievement but also of
a great personal loss. The correlations between the words of the play and
Hildegard's letters from the beginning of the fifties invite us to conclude
that it was not until after Richardis' death in 1152 that Hildegard arrang
ed the vision into a dramatic musical morality play on the Order of the Vir
tues, and that it was not until then that she made the final version of the
text of the vision. In giving the central roles of the play to the three f
irst virtues of monastic life, Hildegard transforms the vision into a moral
ity play: a play to encourage the sisters placed under her protection in th
e convent in their promises to live a life in humility, obedience, and chas
tity, resisting the temptations of the world and forming themselves and Ord
er of Virtues.