Erythromycin is reported to have an anti-inflammatory action, which may acc
ount for ifs clinical effectiveness in creating chronic inflammatory diseas
es of the respiratory tract such as diffuse panbronchiolitis (DPB) and chro
nic sinusitis.
To evaluate the anti-inflammatory action of erythromycin, we examined apopt
osis of isolated neutrophils incubated with and without erythromycin. As a
result, erythromycin augmented neutrophil apoptosis in a dose-dependent man
ner, with a maximal effect at 10 mug/ml and above The percentage of neutrop
hil apoptosis at 12 h was 79.2+/-2.3% in medium with 10 mug/ml of erythromy
cin compared with 51.2+/-4.1% in control medium (p<0.005). In a manner simi
lar to that of erythromycin, another macrolide antibiotic, roxithromycin, a
lso increased neutrophil apoptosis. However, there was no effect on apoptos
is induced by treatment with josamycin (macrolide antibiotic), ampicillin (
<beta>-lactam.) and cefazolin (cephalosporin antibiotic), or gentamycin (am
inoglycoside). These findings suggest that erythromycin shortens neutrophil
survival by accelerating neutrophil apoptosis.