A systemic study of the mechanisms of motor activity of paramecium was carr
ied out. The movements of paramecium responding to various influences were
photographed. The analysis of the data revealed the time dependences of the
rate of movement, rate of rotation, and the radius and the pitch of the he
lix trajectory. Mathematical models of the membrane and a unit that transfo
rms the calcium signal to programs of regulating the effectors were constru
cted. A system of equations for constructing the trajectory of movement was
proposed, It is concluded that the biomolecular system that involves calmo
dulin, calmodulin-dependent ionic channels, adenylate cyclase, guanylate cy
clase, phosphodiesterases, Ca2+-calmodulin, cAMP, cGMP-dependent protein ki
nases, and phosphoprotein phosphatases is capable of regulating motor react
ions necessary for complex maneuvering of paramecium under various conditio