A mixed culture of sulfate-reducing bacteria containing the species Desulfo
vibrio desulfuricans was used to study sulfate-reduction stoichiometry and
kinetics using ethanol as the carbon source. Growth yield was lower, and ki
netics were slower, for ethanol compared to lactate. Ethanol was converted
into acetate and no significant carbon dioxide production was observed. A m
athematical model for growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria on ethanol was de
veloped, and simulations of the growth experiments on ethanol were carried
out using the model. The pH variation due to sulfate reduction, and hydroge
n sulfide production and removal by nitrogen sparging, were examined. The m
odeling study is distinct from earlier models for systems using sulfate-red
ucing bacteria in that it considers growth on ethanol, and analyzes pH vari
ations due to the product-formation reactions. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 70: 533-543, 2000.