Since a long time hypothesis of links between psychological factors and can
cer, have been established in our culture. So far, numerous researches have
tempted to indicate stress, coping facing the disease, depression or "type
C" personality as factors participating to the onset and/or the course of
the cancer. A review of those studies, mainly retrospective has mostly brou
ght debated results, as well as prospective researches including large samp
le of population or people awaiting a diagnosis; therefore making oldfashio
ned every area strictly "psychogenetic" of cancer at first sight. Explicati
ve indirect hypothesis are suggested by the psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunolo
gy. Various researches in this field proved that external factors such as s
tress, depression or social support have significative influences on compon
ents of the immune system which in turn influence the onset and/or the cour
se oi-the cancer. The links between psychological factors and cancer are ex
tremely complex, bringing numerous biological, psychological or even sociol
ogical systems in interactions Then psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunology const
itutes an early interdisciplinary way of mediation, capable of account for
the connections between psychology and cancer.