Saccades are rapid eye movements that are used to move the visual axis towa
rd targets of interest in the visual field. The time to initiate a saccade
is dependent upon many factors. Here we review some of the recent advances
in our understanding of the these processes in primates. Neurons in the sup
erior colliculus and brainstem reticular formation are organised into a net
work to control saccades. Some neurons are active during visual fixation, w
hile others are active during the preparation and execution of saccades. Se
veral factors can influence the excitability levels of these neurons prior
to the appearance of a new saccadic target. These pre-target changes in exc
itability are correlated to subsequent changes in behavioural performance.
Our results show how neuronal signals in the superior colliculus and brains
tem reticular formation can be shaped by contextual factors and demonstrate
how situational experience can expedite motor behaviour via the advanced p
reparation of motor programs.