A three dimensional C/SiC composite was prepared and flexural strengths dur
ing combustion atmosphere and weight changes in air were investigated. When
oxidized in air, the C/SiC composite gained weight above the cracking temp
erature, and lost weight below the cracking temperature. The weight loss re
ached its maxumum value at about 700 degreesC. When oxidized during combust
ion atmosphere, the composite always lost weight due to the large temperatu
re gradient along the specimen. The strengths were lowest at the area close
to the nozzle wall where the flame temperature was about 700 degreesC. The
re were four oxidation zones along the specimens. There was an unoxidized z
one (1) at the surporting end. Close to this was the cracking-oxidation zon
e (II). At the high-temperature end was the coating-oxidation zone (IV). Be
tween the coating oxidation and cracking-oxidation zones was the transition
zone (III). Uniform, non-uniform and superficial oxidation regimes were ob
served which were considered to be responsible for the weight changes in ai
r and strength changes during combustion atmosphere. (C) 2000 Elsevier Scie
nce Ltd. All rights reserved.