Seven experiments examine the influence of contextual timing manipulations
on prospective rime judgments. Subjects judged durations of standard vs com
parison time intervals in the context of a preceding induction (context) se
quence. In some experiments, the rate of the induction sequence was systema
tically manipulated relative to the range of to-be-judged standard lime int
ervals; in others, the induction sequence was omitted. Time judgments were
strongly influenced by the rate of an induction sequence with best performa
nce occurring when the standard time interval ended as expected, given cont
ext rate. An expectancy profile, in the form of an inverted U, indicated th
at time estimation accuracy declined systematically as a standard interval
differed from a context rate. A similar expectancy profile emerged when the
context rate was based on a harmonic subdivision lone-half) of an expected
standard interval. Results are discussed in terms of various stimulus-base
d models of prospective time judgments, including those which appeal to att
entional periodicities and entrainment. (C) 2000 Academic Press.