The primary aim of the Improved Monitoring for Brain Dysfunction during Int
ensive Care and Surgery (IBIS) project was to create a unique and comprehen
sively annotated data library (DL) of multiple physiological, including neu
rophysiological, signals. Data collection was undertaken in Kuopio, Finland
and London, UK, and comparable protocols were used at all the sites. In Lo
ndon, 43 patients were recruited at the Royal Brompton Hospital, followed b
y nine at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, all of whom underwent cardiac or comb
ined cardiac and carotid artery surgery. Thirty-seven patients underwent a
single operation, while 15 underwent two procedures. The protocols and equi
pment used, problems specific to the electrically hostile environment and p
reliminary results are described, including those of clinical interest. The
DL is being used for the development of clinically applicable neurophysiol
ogical monitoring tools. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights