We present a methodology for estimation, prediction, and model assessm
ent of vector autoregressive moving-average (VARMA) models in the Baye
sian framework using Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms. The sampling
-based Bayesian framework for inference allows for the incorporation o
f parameter restrictions, such as stationarity restrictions or zero co
nstraints, through appropriate prior specifications. It also facilitat
es extensive posterior and predictive analyses through the use of nume
rical summary statistics and graphical displays, such as box plots and
density plots for estimated parameters. We present a method for compu
tationally feasible evaluation of the joint posterior density of the m
odel parameters using the exact likelihood function, and discuss the u
se of backcasting to approximate the exact likelihood function in cert
ain cases. We also show how to incorporate indicator variables as addi
tional parameters for use in coefficient selection. The sampling is fa
cilitated through a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Graphical technique
s based on predictive distributions are used for informal model assess
ment. The methods are illustrated using two data sets from business an
d economics. The first example consists of quarterly fixed investment,
disposable income, and consumption rates for West Germany, which are
known to have correlation and feedback relationships between series. T
he second example consists of monthly revenue data from seven differen
t geographic areas of IBM. The revenue data exhibit seasonality, stron
g inter-regional dependence, and feedback relationships between certai
n regions. (C) 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.