Aim - The aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency of iron deficiency
with serum ferritin in elderly population, and to appreciate the opportuni
ty of early screening according to digestive diseases.
Subjects and methods - Data were collected from 3524 men and 3120 women age
d 60 to 75 years during a health screening examination. Evaluation of diagn
osis and treatment were obtained through questionnaire completed by treatin
g physician.
Results - The frequency of hypoferritinemia was about 2.3% in our populatio
n (hypoferritinemia was defined by serum Ferritin < 20 <mu>g/L or between 2
0-40 mug/L if C reactive protein was > 12 mg/L). Anemia was found in 3.3% o
f patients. Logistic regression model adjusting for multiple variables was
used to examine factors associated with hypoferritinemia. The probability w
as greater among non-anemic patients with chronic digestive bleeding (odds-
ratio: 2.3), or with positive occult blood testing (odds-ratio: 2.3).
Information about the medical Follow-vp was obtained in 81% of patients wit
h hypoferritinemia. A digestive exploration was made in 38 cases. Digestive
disease was found among 24.3% patients with hypoferritinemia, and three co
lorectal cancers were observed.
Conclusion - The screening of hypoferritinemia in elderly population examin
ed in health screening centres could not be recommended as ifs frequency wa
s low in this population despite a strong correlation between hypoferritine
mia and digestive diseases.