The paper deals with a coupled model of the upper atmosphere and ionosphere
of Titan. The neutral atmosphere is described by a comprehensive photochem
ical model for 30 degrees solar zenith angle with molecular and turbulent d
iffusive transport taken into account. At the upper boundary (1430 km) esca
ping flux of light molecules is included in boundary conditions, while near
the lower boundary (32 km) condensation of less volatile species is introd
uced. The atmosphere is coupled with the ionosphere via a large set of bi-
and termolecular ion-neutral reactions. The ionosphere is considered to be
in chemical equilibrium; in addition to ion-neutral reactions, recombinatio
n loss and ionization by solar photons as well as by saturnian magnetospher
ic electrons and photoelectrons appear in the mass balance equations. In th
e most advanced models, from several considered, heavy hydrocarbon ions and
heavy nitriles are grouped and represented as two pseudoions. The peak ion
density of 5200-6000 cm(-3), depending on the employed model, is obtained
at a height of 970-1000 km, i.e., slightly lower than in previous ionospher
ic studies, which, however, were carried out for 60 degrees solar zenith an
gle. The main ionospheric component near the peak is HCNH+; but at lower al
titudes heavy nitriles followed by heavy hydrocarbons are more abundant, wh
ile near the upper boundary (>1400 km) CH5+ and C2H5+ compete with HCNH+. W
hen termolecular reaction rates are increased to about 5 x 10(-23) cm(6) s(
-1) as suggested by V. G. Anicich and M. J. McEwan (1997, Planet. Space Sci
. 45, 897-923) for a nitrogen-dominated atmosphere, ion density profiles ch
ange significantly (50%) in the lower part of the ionosphere, at 700-800 km
. The astonishing result by J. L. Fox and R. V. Yelle (1997, Geophys. Res.
Lett. 24, 2179-2192), whose ionospheric model prefers heavy pseudoions as m
ain constituents near the peak, can, in part, be reproduced if the density
of C4H2, a neutral molecule that controls heavy ion production rate, is inc
reased by a factor of 100. The ionosphere is quite sensitive (up to 30% cha
nge in density) to variation in recombination rates and/or electron tempera
ture profile. As it can be expected, densities of certain minor neutral com
ponents are severely influenced by coupling with ions, e.g., by an order of
magnitude for CH3C2H. Surprisingly enough, even some major neutral species
, like CH4, show a 50% change in the thermospheric density profile when ion
-neutral reactions are introduced. This proves that for molecules in a shal
low chemical equilibrium with other neutral species, even a small perturbat
ion caused by reactions with ions can result in a significant change of the
density. An interesting and reassuring conclusion has been obtained for HC
N: to reach the agreement with the observed mixing ratio profile in the the
rmosphere, the loss due to polymerization should be considered together wit
h a strongly productive interaction with ions. In view of the results obtai
ned for the neutral atmosphere it seems that coupling with ions can be as i
mportant as other factors that shape the neutral density profiles and shoul
d be taken into account in future models that will aim at data interpretati
on from the Cassini/Huygens mission. (C) 2000 Academic Press.