This paper studies, both theoretically and experimentally, stress-induced e
ffects on the lateral far-field behavior for ridge-type semiconductor laser
diodes where anodic oxide is used for the definition of the stripe width.
These effects consist of antiguiding under the stripe region, and of two po
sitive waveguiding features near the stripe edges. For low-threshold device
s, these effects may be more important than thermal effects, depending on t
he stress in the oxide. They put a lower limit on the built-in index guidin
g to be introduced by lateral etch outside the ridge region in order to mai
ntain fundamental mode operation for wider stripes. The magnitude of these
effects may be as large as Deltan(ef) = 1 x 10(-3).An analytical mathematic
al model is deduced for computing stresses and strains for a certain ridge-
shaped interface which bounds the elastic medium.