In this paper, the Kharitonov theorem for interval plants is exploited for
the purpose of synthesizing a stabilizing controller. The aim here is to de
velop a controller to simultaneously stabilize the four Kharitonov-defined
vortex polynomials. Different from the prevailing works, the controller is
designed systematically and graphically through the search of a non-conserv
ative Kharitonov region in the controller coefficient parameter plane. The
region characterizes all stabilizing PID controllers that stabilize an unce
rtain plant. Thus the relationship between the Kharitonov region and the st
abilizing controller parameters is manifest. Extensively, to further guaran
tee the system with certain robust safety margins, a virtual gain phase mar
gin tester compensator is added. Stability analysis is carried out. The con
trol system is proved to maintain robustness at least to the pre-specified
margins. The synthesized controller with coefficients selected from the obt
ained non-conservative Kharitonov region can stabilize the concerned uncert
ain plants and fulfill system specifications in terms of gain margins and p
hase margins. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.