Background: Described in 1916 by Theodore Leber, this rare syndrome charact
erized by low visual acuity, papillary edema, and a macular star (dry exsud
ates) occurs classically in the 30 to 40 year age range but also as frequen
tly in children. The visual prognosis is excellent. An infectious cause is
found in almost all cases.
Case report: A 34-year-old man consulted for declining visual acuity of the
right eye which began suddenly without pain and was preceded by a flu-like
syndrome lasting two weeks. Visual acuity on the right side was 2/10 P6, t
here was optic disk edema associated with dry macular exsudate (macular sta
r) and a paleness of the posterior pole progressing to the periphery and re
adily visualized on the angiography, and a central scotome, but no dyschrom
atopsy. The left eye was strictly normal. Laboratory tests showed an erythr
ocyte sedimentation rate at 45, C reactive protein at 61, normal red cell c
ount and minimal transaminase elevation. Spinal tap showed: 3 elements/mm(3
), protein 0.28g/l, 18% gammaglobulins. Serology tests were negative. Brain
imaging was normal.
Results: Corticosteroid flashes for three days were initiated and the patie
nt was seen again two weeks later with clear clinical improvement. Visual a
cuity was 6/10 P2 with considerable resorption of the edema. Discussion: Th
is case is a typical illustration of acute Leber's neuroretinititis, probab
ly caused by viral infection. The cerebrospinal fluid tests and brain imagi
ng ruled out multiple sclerosis, and serology tests for syphilis, tuberculo
sis, Lyme disease and possible parasite infection were negative.
Conclusion: Acute lever's neuroretinitis is an uncommon condition which mus
t be distinguished from inflammatory optic neuropathy, particularly in mult
iple sclerosis which has a very different prognosis and clinical course.