We simulated the intra-acinar contribution to phase III slope (S-acin) for
gases of differing diffusivities (He and SF6) by solving equations of diffu
sive and convective gas transport in multi-branch-point models (MBPM) of th
e human acinus. We first conducted a sensitivity study of S-acin to asymmet
ry and its variability in successive generations. S-acin increases were gre
atest when asymmetry and variability of asymmetry were increased at the lev
el of the respiratory bronchioles (generations 17-18) for He and at the lev
el of the alveolar ducts (generations 20-21) for SF6, corresponding to the
location of their respective diffusion fronts. On the basis of this sensiti
vity study and in keeping with reported acinar morphometry, we built a MBPM
that actually reproduced experimental S-acin values obtained in normal sub
jects for He, N-2, and SF6. Ten variants of such a MBPM were constructed to
estimate intrinsic S-acin variability owing to peripheral lung structure.
The realistic simulation of S-acin in the normal lung and the understanding
of how asymmetry affects S-acin for different diffusivity gases make S-aci
n a powerful tool to detect structural alterations at different depths in t
he lung periphery.