Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) intracellular signaling in endoth
elial cells is initiated by the activation of distinct tyrosine kinase rece
ptors, VEGFR1 (Flt-1) and VEGFR2 (Flk-1/KDR). Because the tyrosine kinase-d
ependent transcription factors known as STAT (signal transducers and activa
tors of transcription) proteins are important modulators of cell growth res
ponses induced by other growth factor receptors, we have determined the eff
ects VEGF of on STAT activation in BAEC (bovine aortic endothelial cells).
Here, we show that VEGF induces tyrosine phosphorylation and nuclear transl
ocation of STAT1 and STAT6. VEGF also stimulates STAT3 tyrosine phosphoryla
tion, but nuclear translocation does not occur. We found that placenta grow
th factor, which selectively activates VEGFR1, has no effect on the STATs.
However, upon VEGF stimulation, STAT1 associates with the VEGFR2 in a tyros
ine kinase-dependent manner, indicating that VEGF-induced STAT1 activation
is mediated primarily by VEGFR2. Thus, our study shows for the first time t
hat VEGF activates the STAT pathway through VEGFR2. Because the growth-prom
oting activity of VEGF depends upon VEGFR2 activation, these findings sugge
st a role for the STATs in the regulation of gene expression associated wit
h the angiogenic effects of VEGF.