Using whole-cell recordings of patch-clamp and monitoring of the intracellu
lar free calcium (Ca2+) concentration ([Ca2+]i), we characterized Ca2+ entr
y channels in A7r5 cells activated by endothelin-1 (ET-1). ET-1 activates t
hree types of voltage-independent Ca2+ entry channels: two types of Ca2+-pe
rmeable nonselective cation channels (designated NSCC-1 and NSCC-2) and sto
re-operated Ca2+ channel (SOCC). Furthermore, it was found that these chann
els can be discriminated pharmacologically using Ca2+ channel blockers such
as 1-{beta-[3-(4-methoxyphenyl)propoxyl]-4-methoxyphenyl}-1-H-imidazoel hy
drochloride (SK&F 96365) and (RS)-(3,4-dihydro-6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline-1-
gamma1)-2-phenyl-N,N-di-[2-(2,3,4-trimethoxyphenyl)ethyl] acetamide (LOE 90
8). NSCC-1 is resistant to SK&F 96365 but sensitive to LOE908, whereas NSCC
-2 is sensitive to both drugs: SOCC is sensitive to SK&F 96365 but resistan
t to LOE 908. Using these channel blockers, we analyzed the Ca2+ entry chan
nels involved in the ET-1-induced increase in [Ca2+]i of the cells. The inc
rease induced by lower concentrations of ET-1 (less than or equal to 0.1 nM
) was unaffected by SK&F 96365 but it was abolished by LOE 908. In contrast
, the increase caused by higher concentrations of ET-1 (greater than or equ
al to 1 nM) was suppressed by SK&F 96365 or LOE 908 to about 35% of control
s, and abolished by combined treatment with SK&F 96365 and LOE 908. These r
esults show that the increase in [Ca2+] resulting from lower concentrations
of ET-1 (less than or equal to0.1 nM) involves Ca2+ entry through only NSC
C-1, whereas that resulting from higher concentrations of ET-1 involves Ca2
+ entry through NSCC-1, NSCC-2 and SOCC, contributing 35%, 30% and 30%, res
pectively, to total Ca2+ entry.