Purpose: This study examined the stability of skeletal changes after mandib
ular advancement surgery with rigid or wire fixation up to 2 years postoper
Patients and Methods: Subjects for this multisite, prospective, clinical tr
ial received rigid (n = 78) or wire (n = 49) fixation. The rigid cases were
fixed with three 2-mm bicortical position screws and 1 to 2 weeks of skele
tal maxillomandibular fixation with elastics, and the wire fixation subject
s were fixed with inferior border wires and had 6 weeks of skeletal maxillo
mandibular fixation with 24-gauge wires. Cephalometric radiographs were obt
ained before orthodontics, immediately before surgery, and at 1 week, 8 wee
ks, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years after surgery. Linear cephalometric chang
es were referenced to a cranial base coordinate system.
Results: Before surgery, both groups were balanced with respect to linear a
nd angular measurements of craniofacial morphology. Mean anterior sagittal
advancement of the mandibular symphysis was 4.92 +/- 3.01 mm in the rigid g
roup and 5.11 +/- 3.09 mm in the wire group, and the inferior vertical disp
lacement was 3.37 +/- 2.44 in the rigid group and 2.85 +/- 1.78 in the wire
group. The vertical changes were similar in both groups. Two years postsur
gery, the wire group had 30% sagittal relapse of the mandibular symphysis,
whereas there was no change in the rigid group (P < .001). Both groups expe
rienced changes in the orientation and configuration of the mandible.
Conclusions: Rigid fixation is a more stable method than wire fixation for
maintaining mandibular advancement after sagittal split ramus osteotomy. (C
) 2000 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.