Let X be a smooth complex projective surface and D an effective divisor on
X such that H-0(X, omega (-1)(X) (-D)) not equal 0. Let us denote by PB the
moduli space of stable parabolic vector bundles on X with parabolic struct
ure over the divisor D (with fixed weights and Hilbert polynomials). We pro
ve that the moduli space PB is a non-singular quasi-projective variety natu
rally endowed with a family of holomorphic Poisson structures parametrized
by the global sections of omega (-1)(X) (-D). This result is the natural ge
neralization to the moduli spaces of parabolic vector bundles of the result
s obtained in [B2] for the moduli spaces of stable sheaves on a Poisson sur
face. We also give, in some special cases, a detailed description of the sy
mplectic leaf foliation of the Poisson manifold PB.