The constancy of plasma osmolality demands that salt and water concentratio
n within the extracellular fluid be constantly monitored and regulated with
in a few percentage points. The circumventricular organs in general, and th
e subfornical organ in particular, have long been proposed to be the site o
f the osmosensitivity. Isolated subfornical organ neurons of male rats were
studied using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique and both action potenti
al frequency and whole cell currents were measured as bath osmolality was c
hanged, from 240 to 330 mOsm, by altering the amount of mannitol and mainta
ining the concentrations of electrolytes constant. Out of 64 cells, 66% res
ponded to changes in bath osmolality in a predictable manner, exhibiting a
hyperpolarization and decrease in spike frequency in hypo-osmotic solutions
and a depolarization and increase in action potential frequency during hyp
erosmotic exposure. Cells (34%) defined as non-responders exhibited no sign
ificant modulation during identical changes in extracellular osmolality. Th
e responses to changing extracellular osmolality were dose dependent; the a
ctivity of subfornical organ neurons was significantly modulated by changes
in extracellular osmolality of less than 10 mOsm. By regression analysis,
this osmosensitivity was approximately 0.1 Hz/mOsm change throughout a +/-
10 mOsm range and was maintained throughout the range of osmolalities studi
ed (270-330 mOsm). The mechanism underlying this osmosensitivity remains un
clear, although the non-selective cation conductance and the volume-activat
ed chloride conductance do not seem to be involved.
This intrinsic osmosensitivity of subfornical organ within the normal physi
ological range supports the view that this circumventricular structure play
s a role in normal osmoregulation. (C) 2000 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Sci
ence Ltd. All rights reserved.