THE INTERVERTEBRAL DISC is a complex anatomic and biochemical structure. It
is composed primarily of fibrocytes and chondrocytes that are anatomically
segregated in an elaborate avascular macromolecular matrix of collagen and
proteoglycans. Degenerative processes associated with aging and trauma res
ult in morphological and molecular changes to the disc. Morphological chang
es are observed as dehydration, fissuring, and tearing of the nucleus, annu
lus, and endplates. On the molecular level, degenerative changes include de
creased diffusion, decreased cell viability, decreased proteoglycan synthes
is, and alteration in collagen distribution. The role of inflammatory media
tors in these processes, and the potential use of growth factors to delay o
r reverse the degenerative cascade, is poorly understood. However, these ar
eas are under active investigation, the results of which may soon contribut
e significantly to our understanding of degenerative disc disease.