Background. Contamination of automated surgical equipment is widely disrega
rded as a potential source of perioperative infection. We investigated the
possibility of contamination of the aspiration fluid by the Vacuum control
manifold (VCM). The normal, unsterile internal VCM was compared with a modi
fied external VCM that was regularly disinfected.
Materials and methods. We investigated 37 aspiration fluid specimens from r
outine cataract and vitrectomy operations performed with automated evacuati
on systems. There were 25 specimens from three automated evacuation systems
equipped with an internal VCM (experimental groups) and 12 specimens from
one system equipped with a modified external VCM (control group). No hygien
e procedures were used with the hidden internal VCM, hut the modified exter
nal VCM was regularly rinsed and filled with 70% isopropanol overnight. Spe
cimens were collected under sterile conditions,centrifuged, cultured for ba
cterial growth on blood agar and MacConkey agar for 24-48 h at 37 degreesC,
and analyzed microbiologically.
Results. Aspiration fluids of irrigation/aspiration systems used for intrao
cular surgery were found to be severely contaminated with bacteria originat
ing from the VCM. in all aspiration fluid specimens from internal VCM syste
ms,2(+)-4(+) bacterial growth was found. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (17),
Comamonas acidovorans (8), and Agrobacterium radiobacter(13) were found mo
st frequently All specimens from the modified external VCM system remained
sterile. There was a significant difference with regard to the frequency of
contamination of the aspiration fluid between experimental and control gro
ups (P = 0.0001, chi (2)).
Conclusions. We found that the aspiration fluid of common phaco- and vitrec
tomy systems was strongly contaminated by bacteria originating from the int
ernal VCM. The technical modification of an external VCM allows easy disinf
ection and prevents contamination of the aspiration fluid.