Two stocks of the protozoan parasite Babesia gibsoni, one of the causative
agents of canine piroplasmosis, were propagated continuously in dog erythro
cytes in microaerophilous stationary-phase culture. Cultures of both stocks
were initiated in a humidified 5% CO2, 2% O-2, 93% N-2 atmosphere at 37 de
greesC at a time when very few parasites (<0.01%) were detected in a thin b
lood smear. Cultures of one stock were also initiated in a humidified atmos
phere of 5% CO2 in air at 37 <degrees>C during a patent parasitaemia (2.6%)
in the donor animal. The culture medium was a modified HL-1 medium supplem
ented with dog serum, L-glutamine and antibiotics. Culture-derived parasite
s were cryopreserved and resuscitated. Cultures of each stock were propagat
ed for 102 days and 51 days, respectively, before they were terminated.