A symmetry-based, nondisplacive mechanism for the first-order B3 reversible
arrow B1 phase transition exhibited by many binary semiconductors is propo
sed. Using a single-molecule R3m unit cell, the energetic and dynamical fea
tures of the transformation are disclosed along a transition path character
ized by the internal coordinate, the lattice constant, and the rhombohedral
angle. First-principles calculations on the wide-gap semiconductor ZnO are
performed to illustrate the attainments of the proposed mechanism. Compute
d potential energy surfaces and Bader analysis of the electronic density ar
e used to describe the atomic rearrangements, the energy profile along the
transition coordinate, and the effects of the external pressure on this pro
file. The geometry and energy of the transition state are determined, and t
he bonding details of the transformation identified. The proposed mechanism
explains the change in coordination from 4 (B3) to 6 (B1), the less covale
nt Zn-O bond in the B1 structure, and the transformation of ZnO from a dire
ct-gap (B3) to an indirect-gap (B1) material.