Position dependent lattice tilts in InGaAs/GaAs(001) compositionally graded
buffer layers are investigated. The lateral dependence of the tilt defines
a concave buffer layer curvature of up to 3 deg cm(-1). The buffer layer c
urvature is associated with a distribution of the misfit dislocation Burger
s vectors that varies nearly linearly across the sample. The origin of this
peculiar distribution is discussed and is explained in terms of a Burgers-
vector selection rule, which governs the cross slip of gliding threading di
slocations and that has been experimentally observed by Capano in Phys. Rev
. B 45, 11 768 (1992). A quantitative model of lattice curvature formation
is presented that satisfactorily accounts for the main features of the obse
rved buffer layer curvature.