Glasses in the systems Li2O-B2O3-V2O5 and ZnO-B2O3-V2O5 as Well as crystall
ine reference substances Ir ere investigated by V-K-EXAFS. The glasses have
a high modifier content ([Li2O, ZnO] / [B2O3] ratio > 1) and contain 10-50
mol% V2O5. The V-O interatomic distance, coordination number and Debye-Wal
ler factor were termined from the analysis of the measured absorption spect
ra. In the glasses investigated (and in binary; lithium or zinc vanadate gl
asses too) VO4, tetrahedra are the predominant coordination polyhedra for t
he vanadium ions. The symmetry of the tetrahedra is more or less distorted
in comparison to crystalline substances. The VO4 tetrahedra can be either d
irectly connected to each other or incorporated into berate BO3/BO4 groupin
gs. Structural elements which are comparable to those in clystnlline substa
nces can be discussed In glasses of the metaborate composition, vanadium ca
n be incorporated in chain or ring [B phi O-2(-)](n) metaborate groupings.
With increasing V2O5 content the vanadium ions can extensively, replace bor
on ions and form distorted tetrahedra in V phi O-2(2)- metavanadate groups
In glasses of high modifier content and low vanadium amount the vanadium io
ns create nearly regular tetrahedra of isolated VO43- ortho- or' V2 phiO(6)
(4-) pyrovanadate groups in the presence of B2 phiO(4)(4-) pyroborate, BO33
- orthoborate and B phi (-)(4) groups.