The paper deals with the study of remembering episodes and particularly wit
h German contributions to the field. It is characteristic for remembering e
pisodes that we experience them only once and not repeatedly as in multitri
al learning. The paper focuses on three distinctions which are made in stud
ying episodic memory. These distinctions refer to modality-specific and amo
dal (conceptual) information, item-specific and relational information, and
automatic and controlled processes. Among them, the distinction between mo
dality-specific and amodal conceptual information is the most important. It
is argued that the assumption of storing modality-specific besides concept
ual information is indispensable and that it modifies the assumptions conce
rning the two other distinctions. Relational information refers to conceptu
al knowledge and is independent of modality-specific information processing
, whereas encoding and retrieval of item-specific information is dependent
on modality-specific processes. The distinction between automatic and contr
olled processes is obviously relevant. However, it turns out that this dist
inction is difficult to define conceptually and operationally. Interestingl
y, this distinction has attracted more attention in the context of retrieva
l than of encoding processes. The most important progress has been made in
applying it to the processes underlying recognition memory.