S. Gratzl et al., Interferon-alpha: A new promissing therapeutic alternative in corticosteroid-resistant asthma, ALLERGOLOGI, 23(10), 2000, pp. 485-491
We describe the case of a 38-year-old fe male patient who experienced recur
ring episodes of worsening of her respiratory situation associated with mar
ked blood eosinophilia despite high-dose systemic glucocorticoid therapy. P
eripheral blood T cells produced interleukin (IL)-5 and showed a normal exp
ression of T cell-associated surface molecules. Immunohistochemical analysi
s of bone marrow biopsies showed an increased expression of the eosinophil
hematopoietins IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF during eosinophilic episodes. Taken t
ogether, the eosinophilia observed in this patient was most likely due to o
verexpression of hematopoietins leading to an increased generation of eosin
ophils. In contrast to treatments with high-dose corticosteroids, cyclospor
in A, or the leukotrien-receptor-antagonist zafirlucast, systemic interfero
n-alpha therapy (interferon-alpha 2a, Roferon) resulted in a marked improve
ment of the clinical situation as well as an effective and sustained normal
ization of the eosinophil count. Although the exact mechanism of action of
interferon-alpha remains unclear, some immunological tests indicate the pos
sibility of increased steroid sensitivity. Interferon-alpha appears to be a
n effective and safe therapy in such cases of severe asthma.