Slurry sampling in combination with fluorination assisted electrothermal va
porization inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ETV-ICP
-AES) was employed for the direct determination of trace impurities in sili
con carbide ceramic powders. The vaporization behaviors of silicon and five
trace elements (Al, Cr, Cu, Fe and V) were studied in the presence and abs
ence of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) as fluorinating reagent. It was foun
d that, during a 60 s ashing step at 800 degreesC, about 97% of 100 mug of
SiC can be decomposed and evaporated without considerable losses of the tra
ce elements investigated. Calibration was performed using the standard addi
tion method and the calibration curve method, applying spiked slurries and
aqueous standard solutions, respectively. The accuracy was checked by compa
rison of the results with those obtained by solution fluorination assisted
ETV-ICP-AES and pneumatic nebulization (PN)-ICP-AES involving wet chemical
decomposition of the sample. Detection limits between 0.3 mug g(-1) (Al) an
d 0.08 mug g(-1) (Cu) were achieved. The precision, expressed as the relati
ve standard deviation (RSD), was between 6.0% (for 18.2 mug g(-1) of Cr) an
d 2.8% (for 177 mug g(-1) of Fe).