Genetic adaptation to captive environments is likely to reduce the reproduc
tive fitness of endangered species when they are reintroduced into natural
environments. Equalization of family sizes is predicted to halve genetic ad
aptation to captivity as it removes selection among families and is recomme
nded in captive management of threatened species. This prediction was evalu
ated by comparing the reproductive fitnesses of replicate populations of Dr
osophila maintained using either equal (EFS) or variable family sizes (VFS)
for 25 generations in captivity under uncrowded conditions on a medium con
taining CuSO4. After 25 generations, EFS populations produced 8.8% more off
spring per pair than their outbred base population on CuSO4 medium, while V
FS produced 17.5% more. Consequently, the rate of genetic adaptation to cap
tivity in EFS was about half that in VFS, as predicted. In simulated 'wild'
conditions (crowded, competitive conditions on medium lacking CuSO4), both
treatments showed much lower reproductive fitness than their outbred base
population, the reductions being 38% in EFS populations and 43% in VFS popu
lations. Surprisingly, reproductive fitness of the two treatments did not d
iffer significantly under these conditions. These results raise doubts abou
t the ability of equalization of family sizes to reduce genetic deteriorati
on that adversely affects reintroduction success for captive populations of
endangered species.