Yellow catfish, Mystus nemurus (Cuv. & VaL.), is becoming one of the major
freshwater species farmed by aquaculturists in Southeast Asia. rt was of in
terest to examine levels of genetic subpopulation differentiation among sam
ples of this species obtained from parts of its range, as well as to compar
e the genetics of wild and hatchery-bred fish. Horizontal starch gel electr
ophoresis and histochemical staining techniques were used to examine geneti
c variation within and among eight wild and one hatchery populations of M.
nemurus from northern, northeastern, central and southern Thailand. Four ti
ssues (heart, liver; kidney and muscle)from individual specimens were used
to analyze variations at 23 protein-coding loci. Fifteen of the 23 loci exa
mined (65.22%), namely ACP*, AAT-1*, EST-1*, EST-2*, GPI*, IDH-1*, IDH-2*,
MDH-1*, MDH-2*, MDH3*, ME*, PGM*, 6PGD*, SOD*, and HB*, were polymorphic at
the 0.95 level. Observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.041 to 0.111, with
an average of 0.068 +/- 0.028. Genetic distances ranged from 0.005 to 0.16
4. The greatest genetic distance was found between the Chainat and the Sura
tthani populations (0.164), a level indicative of subspecific differenciati
on in M. nemurus from within Thailand.