Maldaninae thoracic septa and nephridia were described based on dissections
of Asychis amphiglyptus, Bathyasychis cristatus, Chirimia lobata, Maldane
sarsi, Metasychis disparidentatus, Sabaco elongatus, and Sonatsa meridional
is. Maldanins have five anterior septa with the fifth being most developed.
The first four thoracic segments are biannulate consisting of an anterior
asetous annulus and a posterior setous annulus. The septal boundary of the
fifth thoracic segment is shifted posterior such that all or part of the as
etous annulus of the sixth thoracic segment functions within the fifth segm
ent. The location of the fifth septum, appearance and muscular development
of the septa, and anchoring of the gut in the thoracic segments varies amon
g the examined specimens. Maldanins have three pairs of metanephridia with
nephridiopores that open on the ventrum of setigers seven through nine. Sev
eral features of the nephridia vary among the examined species, including s
hape, size, exterior development of blood capillaries, and degree by which
the longitudinal muscle of the body wall covers the posterior end of the ne