Subvalvular left ventricular aneurysms can be subaortic or submitral with v
ariable etiology. This is a retrospective study of 19 subvalvular aneurysms
seen in 16 cases. There were 12 isolated subaortic aneurysms, 3 isolated s
ubmitral aneurysms, and in 1 case with multiple subaortic and submitral ane
urysms. Subaortic aneurysms were associated with infective endocarditis, wh
ile there seems to be a strong association between submitral aneurysms and
tuberculosis. Five cases of subvalvular aneurysm has associated aneurysm si
nus of Valsalva-this association suggests a congenital weakness in the atta
chment of aortic and mitral annuli to the underlying myocardium. Cardio Pat
hol 2000;9:267-271 (C) 2000 by Elsevier Science Inc.