Nanotechnology is a new technology, a further development of the microsyste
m technique to the nanometer scale. It already influences many areas of our
daily life e.g. scratch-resistant glasses, non-polluting surface coatings.
In particular in computer and medical science, great advances are expected
. Nanotechnology allows the analysis and manipulation of materials with ato
mic resolution. The central instrumentation of this technology is the scann
ing tunneling microscope (Nobel prize in physics 1986: G, Binning and H, Ro
hrer) and the atomic force microscope in particular, that allows the invest
igation of surface structures down to the nanometer scale. The FHBB is in t
he process of implementing a nanotechnology project. The development of the
project is financially supported by the Stiftung zur Forderung der FHBB fo
r the next four years which has enabled the purchase of an atomic force mic
roscope. With this instrumentation the project will focus principally on su
rface investigation and modification. The rapid implementation and developm
ent of the project will be helped considerably by the intense contact with
the group of Prof. Guentherodt (University of Basel), one of the most highl
y acknowledged research groups in nanotechnology. interesting research coll
aborations have already been started with polymer manufacturers and pharmac
eutical industry. Besides applied research and development, nanotechnology
should exert a great impact on the education of students at the FHBB.