Many natural and technological processes are associated with deformation an
d fracture of saturated or being saturated poroelastic media. Among such pr
ocesses one can mention fluid soaking through a dam, fluid inflow to the cr
acks of hydraulic fracture, polishing using porous materials and special fl
uids, flow in catalytic pellets. All these processes are accompanied by def
ormation and fracture of a matrix with fluid flow. The effects at the inter
face porous body-fluid are essential for the processes.
The specific features of deformation of poroelastic media with low structur
al strength are considered in this paper. The compressibility of the matrix
skeleton is larger as compared to the compressibility of the saturating fl
uid in such media.
It is shown that the oozing of the fluid at the surface of the poroelastic
medium occurs in the consolidated flow regime under the action of 'fluid pi
ston' like loads if the structural strength of the medium is low. This resu
lt is obtained for both plane (deformation of a layer or halfinfinite mediu
m) and centrally symmetric (deformation of a sphere) problems. (C) 2000 Aca
demie des sciences/Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.